Kodi choyambitsa galimotocho chasweka ndi chiyani?

1. The braking force of the four wheel brakes is uneven, and the improper adjustment of one wheel brake or diagonal brake leads to the wheel braking force becoming smaller. Pamene kupyota ma brake ndi kotsika, kubuluka kwa gudumu sikugwirizana komanso kosavuta kutha;

2. The car is braking on the slippery road, and the four wheel brakes may not be completely consistent although they have been carefully adjusted. Ngati mawilo anayiwo sasintha, kuthawa ndi yayikulu, ndipo ngakhale kutembenuka;

3. Chilolezo chomwe chili pakati pa mbale zotchinga ndi ma break dor sagwirizana kulikonse;


6. Mkuluyo wa brake pansi amaikidwa momasuka ndikusankhidwa;

7. Kubwezeretsanso kasupe ndikofowoka kapena kuwonongeka, ndipo ma brake akhazikika;

Post Nthawi: Feb-08-2025